SSSS…………. In Many Languages ‘SUNDAR’ means Beautiful…”S” – Superb!! That is Sri Sundar Narayanan. Without meeting or talking to each other… thru emails – we have been corresponding… without any hesitation or delay or any monetary benefits he has been responding!! At last met him ten days ago!! By looks also he is ” Sundar”. The friendly – so informative. Charming person! His focused way of matching horoscopes.. amazing! Normally like two doctors do not agree astrologers also!! Now with the way Google/ software free downloading and just with a laptop many people sit and do the matching 7 of 10 8 of 10 “OK matching!!” That is all. How many marriages have been successful like this?? But Sri Sundar Narayan goes beyond marriage matching …Goes beyond the wedding!! How the life is going to be for the couple. That makes him someone special he stands tall! He understands the temperament of the parents and the way he advises is amazing.
God Bless him!! / Kay Kay – Group Managing Director, Radial Trading Centre, Dubai and India “